
Showing posts from February 18, 2018

Week 6 Story: Nus' Five Wives

Author's Notes I have based this story off of the Mahabharata reading Draupadi's Swayamwara 1 . In this story there is a contest for which suitor will be able to take Draupadi as their wife. In this challenge the suitors had to "bend the bow and shoot an arrow through the wheel which will strike and bring down the golden fish shall obtain" the right to marry Draupadi. I decided to make the setting a different planet in order to give me more freedom in the difficulty of the Swayamwara. Also I swapped the gender roles to make things more interesting. Nus' Five Wives On the planet of Zognar there lived a civilization of warriors. There was a city named Taht, where the sovereign leader Traeh ruled. Traeh has reached the age where he is becoming old and senile, and he desired for his lonely son Nus to take over the kingdom. However, there is a prerequisite that Nus must be married prior to becoming the new leader. In order for this to be accomplished, Traeh sent o

Reading Notes: Mahabharata - Part B

Story 1 - The House of Fire 1 This story is interesting to me because of the plot whole that exists within it. If the desires of Prince Duryodhana were to kill of the Pandavas and Queen Kunti by burning them in the house, why was this not done on the first night that they lodged at the lac palace? Not only was it not done on the first day, but also they provided a sufficient amount of time to allow Prince Vidura to alert then and the miner Varanavata to dig an escape tunnel. There is also a bit of misfortune in the story, as the beggars happened to enter the palace at the wrong time, well wrong for them and great for the Pandavas. Duryodhana went through some much effort to think that his plan has succeeded. The Pandavas escaping the burring palace. Shows Bhima carrying the others to safety. ( Source ) Story 2 - Bhima and Baka 2 This story is a very stereotypical one of an unjust ruler demanding too much over his citizens and ultimately facing his own demise because of i

Reading Notes: Mahabharata - Part A

Story 1 - Amba 1 The story of Amba was interesting because most of the problems that arose out of it could have bene resolved had there existed better methods of communication between the princesses and the King. However, that was not the case and she was forced to go with Bhishma. Even though she was permitted to leave the damage had already been done. The King of the Shalwas had been embarrassed and defeated in contest. The theme of irreversible decisions appeared once again in the sense that Amba was unable to return to Hastinapura, for she had abandoned them and was not welcome. Amba, Source Story 2 - Kunti and Her Son 2 One common theme that has shown up in the Mahabharata is the birth of sons and daughters from the gods. In most of these cases the children are not wanted. In the case of Kunti, her son was born with an appearance that was not keen on the eyes. However, this did not get rid of her son Karna forever. Eventually he came back into the story, causing mo