Week 3 Story: The Last Wish

The Last Wish Source We've all been there haven't we? Stuck in-between breaking a sacred oath or the complete destruction of the planet... Just me?...Oh... I take it that you would like to here my story then. Life as a genie isn't always as easy as it sounds. Being an all powerful magical being seems fun. Three wishes and that's it, easy enough, right? Wrong! Sure, you get your occasional person who, feeling bad for all the things they have done, wishes to give back, and to help others. It is people like this that I live to serve. However, this is rarely the case. It is surprising, the amount of cruelty, spite, and rage that exists between Humans. Anyone and everyone always has someone they hate. Today’s case was far different from the rest. Years back, I had served a man with the largest of grudges. For he held in his heart an amount of a...