
Showing posts from April 8, 2018

Week 12 Story: When the World Changes

Author’s Notes: Read First – This story is based on the God Narayan. In short, Narayan is the God Vishnu when he is asleep. The world is nothing when Vishnu closes his eyes, as then there is no observer of the world. Yet when Narayan awakes from his slumber, the world comes into existence again. The source video that is story is sourced from can be found below. I really like the idea of a new world coming into existence each time Narayan opened his eyes. I wanted to put a twist on this by making the world change slightly each time as I imagine it is hard to remember every detail to perfection. When the World Changes Day 0: Do you ever get the feeling that something is off? Or have the feeling that you are being watched? That tingling sensation on the back of your neck, but only when you turn around nothing is there. Yeah, well, that has been happening to me a lot lately. I am scared, and I am ready to put an end to this. Day 1: Yesterday I went to Best Buy

Reading Notes: 7 Secrets of The Hindu Calendar: Narayan's Secret - Part B

Summary For this reading I continued learning more about Hinduism through Epified's '7 Secrets from the Hindu Calendar Art' series. One thing that I like about this series is the focus on the imagery in the stories. These are pieces are full of information and I would never know what they truly symbolized without the explanations provided in these videos. This video was about the God Narayan. According to the story the world exists when Narayan is awake. Also, is ceases to exist when Narayan is asleep. This is very interesting concept to take in, because for us, the world continues as we sleep. The concept was explained further by returning to the point of view that was discussed in the Ganesha video. There is a key difference between 'the world' and 'my world'. When people sleep the world to them does cease to exist. We are cut off, entirely unknowing of the world, until we awake again to observe it. As Narayan is a supreme being there is nothing left w

Reading Notes: 7 Secrets of The Hindu Calendar: Ganesha - Part A

Summary I primarily wanted to review this video because I have referenced it several times in project's storybook. However, I had never watched the video in its entirety. I had only watched the sections about Ganesha alone. One of the key components in this video is the differentiation between global and local values. In the Hindu culture many of the gods and goddesses originate from smaller villages. In most cases they are worshiped for a niche reason. However, as they are worshiped by the smaller villages the stories of these gods and goddesses are adapted into Hinduism as a whole global collection. This is very similar to motif that is in the story of the race between Kartikeya and Ganesha. The race conditions were to go around the world three times. Kartikeya did so by riding his vahana. While Ganesha did so my walking around his parents three times. To Ganesha his world was his parents, a local world that mattered to him. Ganesha's main question to Kartikeya was which