Feedback Thoughts

Feedback and Me

Article 1 - Eight things students should do when they make a mistake

Here are two points from this article that I found the most important.

"If you get something wrong, figure out how to fix it"

For me this is a very important part of taking criticism. It is not just enough to know what is wrong with a person's work. They have to take actions to identify the sources of those problem and create a plan to prevent the same errors from occurring again.

"Balance is Key"

Finding a good balance between work and home life is a difficult task for most people. Personally, I find myself switching around between either too much focus on relaxation, or not enough. It is a very fine line to determine where and when is too much, but it is still important to enjoy life along to the way.

Balance Scales
Above is the goal, but it is often hard to obtain. Source.

Article 2 - Overcoming The Fear Of Feedback

It was interesting to see this article talk about the physiological responses of the body to receiving feedback. While receiving negative feedback is stressful I would have never considered it as as a trigger for the natural fight-or-flight response. Knowing that reacting negatively to feedback is a natural occurrence will help me cope and to better use the feedback to adjust my writing style.


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