Author’s Notes: Read First – This story is based on the God Narayan. In short, Narayan is the God Vishnu when he is asleep. The world is nothing when Vishnu closes his eyes, as then there is no observer of the world. Yet when Narayan awakes from his slumber, the world comes into existence again. The source video that is story is sourced from can be found below. I really like the idea of a new world coming into existence each time Narayan opened his eyes. I wanted to put a twist on this by making the world change slightly each time as I imagine it is hard to remember every detail to perfection. When the World Changes Day 0: Do you ever get the feeling that something is off? Or have the feeling that you are being watched? That tingling sensation on the back of your neck, but only when you turn around nothing is there. Yeah, well, that has been happening to me a lot lately. I am scared, and I am ready to put an end to this. Day 1: Yesterday I went to Best Buy...
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